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伊藤愛真 水着グラビア「23枚」「ミスオブミス」 史上初の4冠に輝いた 伝説の美女 2021


元「可愛すぎるビールの売り子」から多彩な活動へ – 伊藤愛真の魅力に迫る

伊藤愛真は、1997年7月31日生まれの埼玉県出身で、血液型はO型です。彼女は東京ドームで「可愛すぎるビールの売り子」として一躍有名になり、その後、「Miss of Miss CAMPUS QUEEN CONTEST 2018」で史上初の4冠を達成しました。この偉業により、彼女はさらに注目を集めることになりました。

現在、伊藤愛真はYouTubeチャンネル「ラファエル Raphael」にレギュラー出演し、約180万人のチャンネル登録者を持つ人気YouTuberとしても活躍しています。彼女のヘルシーな美BODYは女性たちの憧れであり、その魅力は多くのファンを引きつけています。



Aima Ito the legendary beauty who became the first ever Miss of Miss to win four titles003Aima Ito the legendary beauty who became the first ever Miss of Miss to win four titles004Aima Ito the legendary beauty who became the first ever Miss of Miss to win four titles002Aima Ito the legendary beauty who became the first ever Miss of Miss to win four titles005Aima Ito the legendary beauty who became the first ever Miss of Miss to win four titles001Aima Ito the legendary beauty who became the first ever Miss of Miss to win four titles007Aima Ito the legendary beauty who became the first ever Miss of Miss to win four titles008Aima Ito the legendary beauty who became the first ever Miss of Miss to win four titles009Aima Ito the legendary beauty who became the first ever Miss of Miss to win four titles011Aima Ito the legendary beauty who became the first ever Miss of Miss to win four titles020Aima Ito the legendary beauty who became the first ever Miss of Miss to win four titles017Aima Ito the legendary beauty who became the first ever Miss of Miss to win four titles013Aima Ito the legendary beauty who became the first ever Miss of Miss to win four titles006Aima Ito the legendary beauty who became the first ever Miss of Miss to win four titles019Aima Ito the legendary beauty who became the first ever Miss of Miss to win four titles015Aima Ito the legendary beauty who became the first ever Miss of Miss to win four titles012Aima Ito the legendary beauty who became the first ever Miss of Miss to win four titles016Aima Ito the legendary beauty who became the first ever Miss of Miss to win four titles018Aima Ito the legendary beauty who became the first ever Miss of Miss to win four titles014Aima Ito the legendary beauty who became the first ever Miss of Miss to win four titles021Aima Ito the legendary beauty who became the first ever Miss of Miss to win four titles022Aima Ito the legendary beauty who became the first ever Miss of Miss to win four titles023
