

仁藤みさきと言えば、1993年3月3日生まれの神奈川県出身の美少女。彼女がミスFLASH2011でグランプリを獲得し、一躍注目を浴びたことは記憶に新しい。身長166cm、スリーサイズはB89 W57 H86という抜群のプロポーションを誇る彼女は、まだ18歳にして大人の色気とエロスを併せ持つ、まさにグラビア界の新星と言えるでしょう。


仁藤みさきは、アイドルユニット「BA5」のメンバーとしても活躍中。ゲームが特技という一面も持ち、彼女の多才ぶりがうかがえます。また、彼女の4th DVD「みさき*パルフェ」は、ファンならずとも必見。その発売記念イベントは、10月15日にソフマップアミューズメント館およびラオックスミュージックボックスで開催され、彼女の魅力を間近で感じることができる絶好の機会となりました。


Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old042Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old041Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old040Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old039Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old038Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old037Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old036Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old035Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old034Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old033Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old032Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old031Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old030Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old029Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old028Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old027Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old026Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old025Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old024Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old023Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old022Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old021Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old020Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old019Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old018Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old017Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old016Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old015Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old014Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old013Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old012Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old011Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old010Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old009Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old008Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old007Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old006Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old005Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old004Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old002Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old001Misaki Nito Misaki gravure swimsuit picture Miss FLASH 2011 Its hard to believe that she is only 18 years old003

