村山優香 初水着グラビア「13枚」 昭和レトロがハマる18歳の若手女優 2021

This is the first swimsuit gravure of Yuka Murayama an 18yearold young actress who is addicted to Showa retro010
人のいない砂浜、麦わら帽子、紺のデニムシャツ……。 海辺の民宿で過ごした、あの夏の一日。
村山優香 Yuka MURAYAMA 2003年2月19日生まれ茨城県出身 身長156cm 血液型=A型 ○2015年に映画『忘れ雪』で 女優デビューし、ドラマやCM等に出演。 ヒロイン役で出演する短編映画 『いつでもアオハル!』は2021年中に公開予定。 東京・JR原宿駅構内通路に週プレ掲載記念の ポスターを掲出中。 AzTwitter (@M_Yuka0219) AztInstagram 【@murayama_yuuka_official】 公式TikTok(@kyoumotabelu]
村山優香デジタル写真集 『夏恋ラプソディ』 本誌のアザーカットをパッケージした デジタル写真集が「週プレグラジャパ!』ほか 主要電子書店で配信中! 価格880円(税込)
This is the first swimsuit gravure of Yuka Murayama an 18yearold young actress who is addicted to Showa retro

This is the first swimsuit gravure of Yuka Murayama an 18yearold young actress who is addicted to Showa retro001This is the first swimsuit gravure of Yuka Murayama an 18yearold young actress who is addicted to Showa retro002This is the first swimsuit gravure of Yuka Murayama an 18yearold young actress who is addicted to Showa retro003This is the first swimsuit gravure of Yuka Murayama an 18yearold young actress who is addicted to Showa retro006This is the first swimsuit gravure of Yuka Murayama an 18yearold young actress who is addicted to Showa retro004This is the first swimsuit gravure of Yuka Murayama an 18yearold young actress who is addicted to Showa retro005This is the first swimsuit gravure of Yuka Murayama an 18yearold young actress who is addicted to Showa retro009This is the first swimsuit gravure of Yuka Murayama an 18yearold young actress who is addicted to Showa retro008This is the first swimsuit gravure of Yuka Murayama an 18yearold young actress who is addicted to Showa retro012This is the first swimsuit gravure of Yuka Murayama an 18yearold young actress who is addicted to Showa retro011This is the first swimsuit gravure of Yuka Murayama an 18yearold young actress who is addicted to Showa retro013This is the first swimsuit gravure of Yuka Murayama an 18yearold young actress who is addicted to Showa retro007This is the first swimsuit gravure of Yuka Murayama an 18yearold young actress who is addicted to Showa retro010

