豊田ルナ 水着ビキニグラビア「53枚」 いつまでも忘れない。 あの空のまぶしさを、 君がいた夏 2021

Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there015
『ウルトラマントリガー NEW GENERATION TIGA』で ヒロイン・シズマユナ役を演じる19歳
深緑の田園風景。 夕立が少女をオトナに染める。 その仕草と吐息は、夏の魔法。
豊田ルナデジタル写真集 『君がいた夏。』 本誌のアザーカットをパッケージした デジタル写真集が 『週プレグラジャパ!』ほか 主要電子書店にて配信中! 価格880円(税込)
豊田ルナRuna TOYODA
2002年7月17日生まれ 埼玉県出身 身長161cm 特技=クラシックバレエ ○5歳から子役、モデルとして活動し、 大河ドラマ2作品への出演も経験。 以後、女優を目指して、高校2年生のときに ミスマガジン2019のグランプリに選ばれ、 グラビア活動を本格化。現在、テレビ東京系 『ウルトラマントリガー」(毎週土曜9:00~) にシズマユナ役でレギュラー出演中です。 Azt Twitter (@Runa_Toyoda0717) AztInstagram (@runstagram_717)

Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there001Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there002Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there004Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there003Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there006Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there005Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there007Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there009Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there008Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there010Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there011Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there012Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there013Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there017Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there016Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there015Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there014Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there018Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there019Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there020Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there021Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there022Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there024Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there023Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there025Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there027Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there029Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there026Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there030Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there031Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there038Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there035Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there034Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there032Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there033Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there040Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there039Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there041Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there042Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there044Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there043Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there045Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there047Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there050Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there051Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there049Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there046Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there052Luna Toyoda I wont forget that glare in the sky forever the summer you were there053

