夏目綾 水着ビキニグラビア「22枚」夏の香りをまとったあの子に会えるから。毎年、夏祭りの日は田舎に帰ると決めている。 2021

Aya Natsume: Because I can meet that girl who wears the scent of summer001
ミスマガ2019受賞者で、女性ファッション誌「LARME」が ビジュアルサポートするアイドル「miao」所属の夏目綾。 期待の新星が夏感溢れるグラビア
・Profile 夏目綾小ya Nature BIRTHDAY:1996.7.9 BIOOD:O FROM:SHIZUOKA twitter:@aya_MiaoMiao Instagram: @aya_miaomiao ・アイドルグループ「miao」 8月4日デビューシングル 「miao!」リリース決定! 

Aya Natsume: Because I can meet that girl who wears the scent of summer001Aya Natsume: Because I can meet that girl who wears the scent of summer003Aya Natsume: Because I can meet that girl who wears the scent of summer002Aya Natsume: Because I can meet that girl who wears the scent of summer006Aya Natsume: Because I can meet that girl who wears the scent of summer008Aya Natsume: Because I can meet that girl who wears the scent of summer007Aya Natsume: Because I can meet that girl who wears the scent of summer004Aya Natsume: Because I can meet that girl who wears the scent of summer005Aya Natsume: Because I can meet that girl who wears the scent of summer012Aya Natsume: Because I can meet that girl who wears the scent of summer011Aya Natsume: Because I can meet that girl who wears the scent of summer009Aya Natsume: Because I can meet that girl who wears the scent of summer015Aya Natsume: Because I can meet that girl who wears the scent of summer014Aya Natsume: Because I can meet that girl who wears the scent of summer010Aya Natsume: Because I can meet that girl who wears the scent of summer013Aya Natsume: Because I can meet that girl who wears the scent of summer016Aya Natsume: Because I can meet that girl who wears the scent of summer020Aya Natsume: Because I can meet that girl who wears the scent of summer019Aya Natsume: Because I can meet that girl who wears the scent of summer017Aya Natsume: Because I can meet that girl who wears the scent of summer018Aya Natsume: Because I can meet that girl who wears the scent of summer021Aya Natsume: Because I can meet that girl who wears the scent of summer022

