あのん 水着グラビアデビューするや人気沸騰のサーキットの女神 2021

Anon a circuit goddess whose popularity has been on the rise since her gravure debut009
今春彗星のように 悩ましすぎる流線形ボディを肉迫撮! グラビア界に登場した噂のビッグルーキー。 細身なのにFカップという魅惑のボディで、
大阪府出身。日本人の父と中国人 の母を持つ。’19年に芸能界入りし、 大人アイドルグループ「predia」のメ ンバーに(今年4月に卒業)。レース クイーンとしても活動し、今年1月、 「日本レースクイーン大賞2020」新 人部門のグランプリ、週刊プレイボ ーイ賞、テレビ東京賞の三冠を達 成。3月には「レースクイーン・オブ・ ザ・イヤー 20 – 21」も獲得した。3月 のデビューグラビアが大反響を呼び、 グラビアシーンの最前線に躍り出る

Anon a circuit goddess whose popularity has been on the rise since her gravure debut

Anon a circuit goddess whose popularity has been on the rise since her gravure debut009Anon a circuit goddess whose popularity has been on the rise since her gravure debut010Anon a circuit goddess whose popularity has been on the rise since her gravure debut007Anon a circuit goddess whose popularity has been on the rise since her gravure debut001Anon a circuit goddess whose popularity has been on the rise since her gravure debut004Anon a circuit goddess whose popularity has been on the rise since her gravure debut003Anon a circuit goddess whose popularity has been on the rise since her gravure debut002Anon a circuit goddess whose popularity has been on the rise since her gravure debut006Anon a circuit goddess whose popularity has been on the rise since her gravure debut011Anon a circuit goddess whose popularity has been on the rise since her gravure debut005

