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モデルで現役女子高生タレントのゆぴぴが初水着グラビアに挑戦 平野夢来 2021

Model and current high school student talent Yupi tries her hand at swimsuit gravure for the first time012
バラエティ番組『芸能界常識チェック! トリニクって何の肉?」や「霜降りバラエティ」などに出演する、  人気お笑いコンビ・霜降り明星の粗品も太鼓判を押す逸材。
平野夢来 Yura HIRANO
2005年2月3日生まれ。静岡県出身 身長154cm血液型=B型 ○オスカープロモーション所属。 ティーン誌『Popteen」(角川春樹事務所) のモデルオーディションでグランプリを獲得し、 専属モデルになる。 昨年に『Popteen」を卒業し、 バラエティ番組に多数出演。 『芸能界常識チェック! トリニクって何の肉!?」 (朝日放送テレビ・テレビ朝日系、 毎週火曜21:00~)に準レギュラー出演中。 AtTwitter & Antinstagram I@yupipi0203]
Model and current high school student talent Yupi tries her hand at swimsuit gravure for the first time

Model and current high school student talent Yupi tries her hand at swimsuit gravure for the first time004Model and current high school student talent Yupi tries her hand at swimsuit gravure for the first time007Model and current high school student talent Yupi tries her hand at swimsuit gravure for the first time002Model and current high school student talent Yupi tries her hand at swimsuit gravure for the first time008Model and current high school student talent Yupi tries her hand at swimsuit gravure for the first time006Model and current high school student talent Yupi tries her hand at swimsuit gravure for the first time009Model and current high school student talent Yupi tries her hand at swimsuit gravure for the first time011Model and current high school student talent Yupi tries her hand at swimsuit gravure for the first time005Model and current high school student talent Yupi tries her hand at swimsuit gravure for the first time010Model and current high school student talent Yupi tries her hand at swimsuit gravure for the first time012
