澤山璃奈 8年ぶりに脱いだ! フィギュアスケーター 2021

Rina Sawayama took off her clothes for the first time in eight years010
しなやかな肉体美を披露し、 大人気となった彼女。32歳となった今、 大人の女性として新境地へ挑む!
水着グラビア 下着画像
さわやま・りな/1988年、 東京都生まれ。小学校3 年時よりスケートを始め る。’05年、フィギュアスケ ート国際競技大会SBC 杯日本代表。’06年、東レ水 着キャンペーンガールで 芸能界デビュー。以降、テ レビやグラビアで大活躍
DVD 『素顔の私』 竹書房/好評発売中

Rina Sawayama took off her clothes for the first time in eight years010Rina Sawayama took off her clothes for the first time in eight years008Rina Sawayama took off her clothes for the first time in eight years009Rina Sawayama took off her clothes for the first time in eight years006Rina Sawayama took off her clothes for the first time in eight years007Rina Sawayama took off her clothes for the first time in eight years002Rina Sawayama took off her clothes for the first time in eight years005Rina Sawayama took off her clothes for the first time in eight years003Rina Sawayama took off her clothes for the first time in eight years004Rina Sawayama took off her clothes for the first time in eight years001

