杉本彩 水着グラビア「20枚」 いまの私が失った若さと野性味が溢れています

すぎもと・あや/’68 年、京都府生まれ。’87 年デビュー。抜群のス タイルで数々のキャン ペーンモデルに抜擢。 以降、音楽活動やダン スなど多岐に活躍。近 年は公益財団法人動物 環境・福祉協会「Eva (エヴァ)」を設立する など、動物愛護の活動 に努めている

Aya Sugimotos swimsuit gravure Overflowing with youth and wildness that Ive lost now001Aya Sugimotos swimsuit gravure Overflowing with youth and wildness that Ive lost now003Aya Sugimotos swimsuit gravure Overflowing with youth and wildness that Ive lost now002Aya Sugimotos swimsuit gravure Overflowing with youth and wildness that Ive lost now004Aya Sugimotos swimsuit gravure Overflowing with youth and wildness that Ive lost now005Aya Sugimotos swimsuit gravure Overflowing with youth and wildness that Ive lost now006Aya Sugimotos swimsuit gravure Overflowing with youth and wildness that Ive lost now007Aya Sugimotos swimsuit gravure Overflowing with youth and wildness that Ive lost now008Aya Sugimotos swimsuit gravure Overflowing with youth and wildness that Ive lost now009Aya Sugimotos swimsuit gravure Overflowing with youth and wildness that Ive lost now010Aya Sugimotos swimsuit gravure Overflowing with youth and wildness that Ive lost now011Aya Sugimotos swimsuit gravure Overflowing with youth and wildness that Ive lost now012Aya Sugimotos swimsuit gravure Overflowing with youth and wildness that Ive lost now013Aya Sugimotos swimsuit gravure Overflowing with youth and wildness that Ive lost now014Aya Sugimotos swimsuit gravure Overflowing with youth and wildness that Ive lost now015Aya Sugimotos swimsuit gravure Overflowing with youth and wildness that Ive lost now016Aya Sugimotos swimsuit gravure Overflowing with youth and wildness that Ive lost now017Aya Sugimotos swimsuit gravure Overflowing with youth and wildness that Ive lost now018Aya Sugimotos swimsuit gravure Overflowing with youth and wildness that Ive lost now019Aya Sugimotos swimsuit gravure Overflowing with youth and wildness that Ive lost now020

