東雲うみ 下着グラビア 注目度No.1グラドルは ヒップ100cm 専門商社の元OL! 2021

私のお尻、 デカすぎ。 ぴえん
PROFILE しののめうみ24歳 ’96 年9月26日生まれ 埼玉県 出身 T162・B90(G) W59 H100 専門商社のOLを経 て、昨年1月にグラビアデビ ュー。イメージDVDはデビ ュー作から3作連続で、Ama zon|アイドルDVDランキン グ」で1位を獲得した。「週 刊ポスト」と「NEWSポスト セブン」主催の「美尻グラド ル総選挙2020」でグランプ リを獲得。尻職人、倉持由 香の監修によるデジタル写 真集をリリースするなど、21 年注目度No.1のグラドル。 公式チャンネル「うみちゃん ねる」を開設し、YouTube でも活動している。そのほ か最新情報は、公式Twitter (@sinonome_umi)、公式Ins tagram (@umi_portrait) 17

Swimsuit gravure of Ummi ShinonomeThe No1 grader in the spotlight is a former office worker at a specialized trading company with 100cm hips001Swimsuit gravure of Ummi ShinonomeThe No1 grader in the spotlight is a former office worker at a specialized trading company with 100cm hips002Swimsuit gravure of Ummi ShinonomeThe No1 grader in the spotlight is a former office worker at a specialized trading company with 100cm hips003Swimsuit gravure of Ummi ShinonomeThe No1 grader in the spotlight is a former office worker at a specialized trading company with 100cm hips004Swimsuit gravure of Ummi ShinonomeThe No1 grader in the spotlight is a former office worker at a specialized trading company with 100cm hips005Swimsuit gravure of Ummi ShinonomeThe No1 grader in the spotlight is a former office worker at a specialized trading company with 100cm hips006Swimsuit gravure of Ummi ShinonomeThe No1 grader in the spotlight is a former office worker at a specialized trading company with 100cm hips007Swimsuit gravure of Ummi ShinonomeThe No1 grader in the spotlight is a former office worker at a specialized trading company with 100cm hips008Swimsuit gravure of Ummi ShinonomeThe No1 grader in the spotlight is a former office worker at a specialized trading company with 100cm hips009

