豊田ルナ 吉田莉桜 山田南実 蓼沼優衣 水着グラビア「33枚」 新時代のグラビアスター2021

豊田ルナ Runa TOYODA
2002年7月17日生まれ埼玉県出身 身長161cm 特技=クラシックバレエ ○「ミスマガジン2019」のグランプリ。 5歳から子役として数々のドラマに 出演して、その演技力には定評がある。 現在、NHK Eテレ『すイエんサー」に レギュラー出演中。また、1st写真集 『月-Luna-』が好評発売中です。 AstTwitter (@Runa_Toyoda0717] AztInstagram (@runstagram_717)
吉田莉桜 Rio YOSHIDA 2002年2月20日生まれ。長崎県出身 身長162cm特技=魚の三枚おろし ○「高1ミスコン2017-18」のグランプリ。 美少女然とした清らかなビジュアルながら、 天真編漫な性格が魅力的な18歳。 1st写真集「ーピュリオー」と 1st DVD「Clear」が好評発売中です。 AtTwitter (@r5i607] AztInstagram (@yoshida_rio_official]
2002年6月20日生まれ栃木県出身 身長156cm特技=トランペット
「制コレ’20」の準グランプリ。 4人の中では末っ娘的な存在で 現場を和ませてくれた癒やし系。 今回の撮り下ろしが週プレ初登場です。 好きな食べ物は梅と梅昆布。 公式Twitter(@tadeyui 公式Instagram(@yui.620glam】
山田南実 Minami YAMADA 2001年3月2日生まれ北海道出身 身長162cm特技=ダンス ○「制コレ’18」の準グランプリ。 よく笑い、どんなときでも 一生懸命な新成人。 2nd DVD「みなみの青春一直線!!」、 1st写真集「みなみと」が 好評発売中です。 AtTwitter (@373_yamada) AtInstagram (@373_yamada)

Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life001Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life002Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life003Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life004Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life005Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life006Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life007Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life008Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life012Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life009Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life010Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life013Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life011Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life014Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life015Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life016Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life017Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life018Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life019Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life020Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life021Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life022Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada
Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life023Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life024Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life025Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life026Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life027Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life028Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life029Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life031Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life030Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life033Luna Toyoda Rizakura Yoshida Nami Yamada Yui Tadenuma The four of us on the gravure stageStars that have never crossed each other line up in a row and burst into life032

