橋本つむぎ アイドルAiM:MiRのグリーン担当【水着画像 55枚】

2Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka001
5月20日生まれ。 血液型O型。
大阪を中心に活動するアイドルグ ループAiM:MiRのグリーン担当。 ニ ックネーム=つむつむ。
趣味は1人焼き鳥。 グループ公式 Twitterは
本人 Twitterは

2Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0012Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0052Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0032Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0042Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0072Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0062Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0082Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0162Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0172Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0182Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0142Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0192Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0092Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0132Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0112Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0152Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0202Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0212Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0222Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0252Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0262Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0242Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0232Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0272Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0342Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0352Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0362Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0292Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0372Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0302Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0322Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0282Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0312Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0332Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0382Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0392Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0402Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0412Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0452Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0442Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0462Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0432Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0422Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0482Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0492Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0532Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0522Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka0502Tsumugi Hashimoto the cutest idol in Osaka054

【デジタル限定 YJ PHOTO BOOK】橋本つむぎ(ЯiM:MiR)写真集「(ヤンジャンが無責任に断言)大阪で一番可愛いアイドル!」 Kindle版

