小日向ゆか ビキニを脱いだ天使

Yuka Kohinata the angel who took off her bikini001
大胆露出に挑戦した 1st写真集が大反響の ビキニの天使〟
「写真集超え」の超絶SEXYを初披露! 衝撃のショット
Kohinata Yuka 25歳 T160 B87 W60 H90
群馬県伊勢崎市出身。 血液型A型。 癒やし系の 清楚なルックスと、 抜群のプロポーションで大ブレイ ク中の注目新人。 グラビアアイドル、女優、モデル として多方面で活躍中。 女性ファッション誌『Ray』 のウェブモデルも務める。最新情報はツイッター(@ mogmog_yukappy)、 インスタグラム (mogmog_yu kappy)まで

Yuka Kohinata the angel who took off her bikini001Yuka Kohinata the angel who took off her bikini003Yuka Kohinata the angel who took off her bikini002Yuka Kohinata the angel who took off her bikini004Yuka Kohinata the angel who took off her bikini005Yuka Kohinata the angel who took off her bikini006Yuka Kohinata the angel who took off her bikini007Yuka Kohinata the angel who took off her bikini008Yuka Kohinata the angel who took off her bikini009Yuka Kohinata the angel who took off her bikini012Yuka Kohinata the angel who took off her bikini010Yuka Kohinata the angel who took off her bikini011

小日向ゆか 好きです。 (アサ芸アイドル写真集) Kindle版

カムカム・ゆかバディ 2 小日向ゆか5 [sabra net e-Book] Kindle版

【デジタル限定】小日向ゆか写真集「エチエチの天才」 週プレ PHOTO BOOK Kindle版

小日向ゆか マシュマロ曲線美 週刊ポストデジタル写真集 Kindle版

