王子妃 台湾に1コスプレイヤー初ヌードで日本上陸 2021

The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan001
「日本の皆さん、はじめまして。 台湾から来ました!」 コミケでも話題になっている 美人コスプレイヤーが、 いよいよ日本で活動を開始。
おうじふぇい7月8日生まれ 台 湾出身 T168.B85(E)W60H82 大学生のころからモデル活動を開 始。卒業後に上海のテレビ番組にマ ジシャンとして出演したことをきっ かけに、アジア圏で広く知られるよ うになる。コスプレイヤーとしてコ ミケにも登場し、日本でもファンを 増やしている。そのほか最新情報は、 Twitter (@ouji_fay) にて
写真八坂悠司 1stDVD『初めてのトキメキ』は スパイスビジュアルより発売中

The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan

The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan001The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan005The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan006The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan007The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan008The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan009The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan010The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan011The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan012The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan013The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan014The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan015The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan017The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan016The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan004The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan002The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan003The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan019The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan018The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan020The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan021The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan022The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan023The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan024The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan025The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan031The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan027The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan028The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan026The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan029The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan030The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan032The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan039The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan036The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan035The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan034The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan033The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan038The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan037The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan040The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan041The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan044The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan043The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan042The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan045The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan047The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan046The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan049The Prince and Princess landed in Japan as the first nude cosplayer in Taiwan048